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        當前位置:首頁QQ游戲中心QQ炫舞 → QQ炫舞 I still believe

        QQ炫舞 I still believe

        時間:2009/1/14 9:27:00人氣:0作者:佚名我要評論(0)

        You look in my eyes and I get emotional inside
        I know it’s crazy
        but you still can touch my heart
        And after all this time you think that
        I wouldn’t feel the same
        But time melts to nothing and nothing has changed

        I still believe
        Someday you and me
        Will find ourselves
        In love again

        I had a dream
        Someday you and me
        Will find ourselves
        In love again

        Each day of my life
        I’m filled with all the joy I could find
        You know that I,I am not the desperate type
        If there’s one spark of hope left
        in my grasp I’ll hold it with both hands
        It’s worth the risk of burning to have a second chance

        No, no, no, no, no, no, I need you, baby
        I still believe that we can be together, no…
        If we believe that true love never has to end
        Then we must know that we will love again, Mmm..

        I still believe (Oh, baby, I do)
        Someday you and me (Just give me one more try)
        In love again

        I had a dream (I miss your love)
        Someday you and me
        Will find ourselves
        In love again

        I still believe (Yeah, I still believe)
        Someday you and me (Baby, yeah)

        時間沒有抹煞任何東西 一切都沒有變












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